

A material design theme for your terminal.

GitHub Download


Materialshell brings the material design to your terminal, with a beautiful color scheme that will improve your command line experience. There are two different versions: Dark and Oceanic, both can be used on OS X, Windows and Linux. You can find a preview of the themes below.

carlos at macbookpro in ~/Developer on master
> gulp

[10:00] Using gulpfile ~/Developer/gulpfile.js
[10:00] Starting 'serve'...
[10:00] Finished 'serve' after 10 ms

carlos at macbookpro in ~/Developer on master
> git l

* fed3563 - Fix index.js (2 days ago) <Carlos Cuesta>
* 8f4f67a - Add .travis (5 days ago) <Carlos Cuesta>
carlos at macbookpro in ~/Developer on master
> gulp

[10:00] Using gulpfile ~/Developer/gulpfile.js
[10:00] Starting 'serve'...
[10:00] Finished 'serve' after 10 ms

carlos at macbookpro in ~/Developer on master
> git l

* fed3563 - Fix index.js (2 days ago) <Carlos Cuesta>
* 8f4f67a - Add .travis (5 days ago) <Carlos Cuesta>



The prompt is the information displayed at the bottom lines of the terminal, where you can write your commands. To setup the prompt you need to have a ZSH shell with Oh-My-ZSH installed. After that follow the next steps.


Depending on your operating system and your terminal emulator the theme installation could be slightly different, choose the platform you're using.